The Room Refresh Experience - Online Virtual eDesign and Room Styling


Perhaps you have a new baby on the way or a teenager who is rapidly outgrowing their childhood bedroom.

Perhaps you are just tired of making do with a living room or main bedroom that looks decades out of date, or just plain unfinished.

You might even be building a new home and struggling to figure out how to colour and style some of the spaces.

You know you need to do something, but you just don’t know what, or how…

In that case, Interiorology’s The Room Refresh Experience - Online Home Styling package might be just the thing you have been looking for.

Perfect for busy people who don’t want to waste any more precious time online or at the shops looking for furniture and design inspiration, Interiorology’s Room Refresh Experience - Online Home Styling package is guaranteed to save you time, stress and very likely, money.

Completed online, you get all the benefits of working with a qualified interior decorator, without the costs. Affordable, safe and fun, online collaboration has never been so easy.

Working to your needs, style preferences and budget, the Room Refresh Experience - Online Home Styling package will deliver to you the blueprint for a beautiful new space.

Let's get started - Buy Now.

What you get:

  • A virtual consultation and/or short online survey to complete.

  • two initial inspiration boards to get a sense of your tastes and requirements.

  • one round of revisions based on your feedback and our discussions.

  • a comprehensive list of furniture and decor items selected to suit your needs.

  • shopping and price list.

  • recommended floor plan to guide you as you set up your space.